
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Neverending Fate [part 1]

So tell does a gun with this much custom parts fare in real life? I guess there's not even a sheath that can fit this thing in :3

Well putting that aside, my progress in Resonance of Fate was rather slow as of late. At first I set my aim to finish 2 chapters per day (total chapters in the game = 16 chapters), but as the game progress, the mission became increasingly difficult and took longer time to finish, in term of gringing hexes, battling arena, and leveling all weapons properly. On Sunday alone, I spent the whole 4-5 hours+ of my dedicated gaming time just to go through chapter 5. Nevertheless Chapter 5 boss, Yeti really made me LOL. Motolov, motolov and motolov. Not even Tri-attacks are needed, the boss is incredibly weak against fire.

And then now I'm stuck at chapter 6 boss...

The boss looks rather easy on this fight, but not in my case as apparently my characters and weapons setup are not efficient, yet. Omega's charging time was ridiculously short compared to mine, which I guess is because he synthesised those sniper scoope thingy (adds +75 Charge time for 25,000 Rubies). Guess I'll took some time tomorrow night to return to Ebel City and get the right stuff -.-

So, going 3 more chapters from the my last post about RoF, how do my view about the game changes? To put it briefly (as far as my impression up to Chapter 6)

Graphic: 20/10 (awe-inspiring zomgwtfbbq graphic)

Gameplay: 9/10 (fun and refresing gameplay, albeit can be repetitive. but what rpg doesn't?)

Battle Difficulty: ^&%&$%^&&@##$ HARD. Seriously. The battle aren't so forgiving that small mistake can easily result in Critical Condition, and even worse, Game Over. If you stuck in a tough battle, you can't simply go and sit at the corner, spending 3 hours to grind levels. Proper strategy really is needed against equally strong enemies.

Story: 1.5/10 (wtf is the story about, again? All I know is that the earth surface is not safe anymore for living organism, Leanne is sorta a test subject and she longed to see the whole world (but she also try to commit suicide), and some guy with a mute loli had some unknown plan. The story just doesn't make sense. So vague, it feels like this game is better off released as a sequel to something.)

Weapon customisation: 9/10 (fun, although I wish there are more spaces for all those parts lol)
Costumes: 99/10 (totally awesome! Can't wait to get more costumes once I got to chapter 7 and rack up my money with those B Scope trick :3)
Sidequests: 5/10 (Lack varieties. All you did are mostly exterminating monsters, deliveries and sometimes, clearing Hexes path...)

p/s: Zephyr sometimes looks like some emo boy lol