
Thursday, April 01, 2010


They arrived just at the right time \o/ Tomorrow is the start of Easter Break, so if the shipping is just one day late, I could possibily need to wait for another 4, 5 days for this to arrive. Unfortunately the bad thing is, I really don't have much time to finish all these games, with my LRRP due in the next 2 weeks. Well I suppose playing 2-3 hours per day is suffice, but that would mean I have to sacrifice my time for dota :(
As Estellise often said, "One at a time, one at a time". For a start, I should go with Resonance of Fate. FFXIII, WKC, ToV etc can wait till later (have tried FFXIII a bit, bloody amazing so far).


Rid said...

why did u buy the japanese version of vesperia?

seraph said...

Because I want to play the ps3 version lol. Got lots of extras stuff than the 360 version, and new costume too :3

I'll ost probably struggle to understand the additional stories, but I'll be following Kouli's guide for this one.

Well if the English version came out someday, then I'll just trade the jap version somewhere :3