Princess Resurrection (怪物王女, Kaibutsu Ōjo, lit. Monster Princess) is an ongoing supernatural manga by Yasunori Mitsunaga. The story portrays a boy (Hiro) who encounters a young woman (Hime) whom he must serve. An anime adaptation of the series, by Madhouse, began airing on April 12, 2007 on TBS, BS-i, KBS Kyoto and its affiliated TV networks. The chief animation director and character designer for the anime series is Kazuya Kuroda. It is directed by Masayuki Sakoi.The manga has been licensed by Del Rey Manga, with the first volume released on May 1, 2007.
Plot Summary: Since Hiro Hiyorimi's parents died, he and his sister Sawawa have lived apart. Now, Sawawa has gotten a new job as the caretaker of a creepy old mansion, and has sent Hiro a letter asking him to come and stay there with her. Finding the mansion boarded up and apparently empty, Hiro wanders around town looking for Sawawa. Instead, he runs into the new resident of the mansion, and ends up pushing her out of the way of some falling steel beams. Unfortunately, he loses his own life in the process. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, the person he thought he saved turns out to be a princess of the monster kingdom, and she grants him a second life...but only for as long as he will be her servant.
Yet again, another anime conclude it's series in the past few weeks. Kaibutsu oujo ends at episode 24, with an extra filler episode aired last week. The story is kinda interesting with the battle of Royalty for the throne, even though the main character, Hime is not interested in the struggle. But there's more to be expected in this series aside from the story. The character design is rather simplistic, the background music is somewhat awesome, and the OP&ED are great (I love the OP "Blood Queen" by Misato Aki).
However, if we compare to the manga counterpart, of where the anime is adapted, there may be some disappointment for some people (including myself). So far only 2 chapter has been scanlated, so I don't know much of the difference beyond chapter 2, but the most notable one is the lack of gore element in the anime compared to the manga. In the manga version, they clearly show the bloody scene of Hiro being killed, and his leg was clearly cut in two earlier in the chapter, while in the anime Hiro is nowhere near bleeding. Also, the way Hiro died is different in both version, where the manga version seems to be more violent. In the manga version also, Hime uses her blood to revive Hiro, while she uses some sort of life flame (great deal to remove bloody scene, eh?) Overall in term of quality, the manga wins IMO.
Anyway, the way the anime end promises that there is possibilities that there may be season 2 of the series. The fight between the Royal has yet to resolve (only one has died so far), and we have yet to see other of Hime' siblings. On top of that, we need more brave side of Hiro, not some weakling who can barely protect his master. I hope something may happen to Hiro if there are season 2.
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural
OP "Blood Queen" by Misato Aki
ED "Hizamazuite Ashi wo Oname" by ALI Project
hey, there's up to chapter 8 scanlated on one manga. look under princess ressurection. the bad news is that it looks like there aren't going to be any new chapters anytime soon.
thanks for the info ^^
If only the group continue scanlating this...
I hope that Hiro in the end can stay whit Lillian - Hime
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