Finally the mid semester break has ended yesterday, and now I'm going to continue with my final quarter of my 1st year. A lot has happened during the break, and now I need to muster my focus and energy for this year exam, which will be coming in a month time. Before that, I need to finish some more assignment which need to be submitted. This week I only need to submit Bio: Human Perspective practical 2 report, not a hard task. Next week I need to submit Statistics assignment 4, which I also do think is not a problem. Though, I'm kinda frustrated that I need to redo the assignment ALL OVER AGAIN because I saved it in my previously damaged laptop, so I was unable to back up the data =( Then I have Bio: Human Perspective test #4, the final test which constitute 4% of final marks. The previous tests are just MCQ online tests, but this one is not, so it may be tougher than I expect. Finally the next 2 weeks I need to submit Bio: Human Perspective Human Awareness Group Project: Modern Method to Treat Human Disease - Melanoma.
BTW new PC has been purchased from E-Bay, I expect it to arrive within 3 days.
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