
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

PDL Grand Final: MYM vs SK

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Online Tournament MYM Prime Defending League has finally reach its final stage. Previously we have seen MeetYourMakers (MYM) and SK.Gaming (SK) met during the final day of the league as the top two team in the table, where the match was shoutcasted live via ESNationTV, superbly commentated by MYM captain Maelk and MYM|Aurora.
Then to the playoff, where MYM and SK meet once again in the winner bracker final, where MYM triumph 2-0 in a best-of-three format. SK who were knocked to the loser bracket, still ale to recover themselves and beat french team, SRS to go to the Grand Final, meeting their nemesis MYM. The Grand Final was in best-of-five format, with MYM had 1-0 advantage due to coming from winner bracket and hence need to win just two more games to win and the grand final.

The Grand Final matches were held just this morning. Yet again, the match was streamed live via ESNationTV, but unfortunately I was not able to watch the match due to certain reasons. Nevertheless I was still able to watch both replay, though I have to admit that there's not much talking points for both matches.

match details:
general match news/ESNationTV@MyMYM

game 1: MeetYourMakers vs Sk. Gaming

Bans (MYM First): dkni.gif | luna.gif | skee.gif | chen.gif | visa.gif | broo.gif | beas.gif | levi.gif
Picks (MYM First): merc.gif | lool.gif omni.gif | puck.gif warl.gif | sfie.gif sven.gif | gorg.gif vspi.gif | bele.gif

MYM, Sentinel
[puck] MYM|MaNia- (Top)
[vs] MYM|Maelk (Top)
[medusa] MYM|H4nn1- (Middle)
[spectre] MYM|Fear (Bottom)
[warlock] MYM|PusHer (Bottom)

SK, Scourge
[sven] SK.Loda (Top))
[zeus] SK.Hailo (Creep Puller)
[nevermore] SK.Akke (Middle)
[bane] SK.KwoM (Bottom)
[omni] SK.Tompa (Bottom)


first, lets look at the pick order. MYM let go of Zeus and pick Spectre as their first pick. Nothing uncommon, plus zeus was immediately picked by SK next, together with omni. The tricky part comes in SK's 3rd and 4th pick (shadow fiend and sven). It was apparent that these two heroes are bkb-dependant. Coupled with the fact that SK had omni on their side, MYM knew they could not rely entirely on Spectre for diffusal carrier, especially early game where spectre possibly has yet to farm her Diffusal Blade. Puck isn't an effective Diffusal user, as Guinsoo is much better. Hence, they last pick Medusa for her purge, as well as semi-carry. SK's intention for picking Bane might be to reduce MYM's manpower in teamfight as much as possible (Nightmare), plus MYM only has VS as non-ultimate stunner.

To the match itself. In the first 20-30 minutes, SK generally dominate the 5v5 teamfights, with Akke's sf get a triple kill, while MYM was better at small teamfights, hence the score for both teams were fairly even at that point. Up to 40 minutes, SK had tower advantage by taking down all but MYM's base and bottom mid tower. But MYM still persist. Pusher's Puck manage to farm Guinsoo, Fear's Spectre got his diffusal in 30 minutes, and the Radiance in 50 minutes. Albeit regarded as trash hero, Medusa did well in the hand of Hanni, carrying MYM early-mid game with BoT/Mjolnir. And even VS had a Sange. In SK side, Bane still stuck at Ultimate Orb/Perseverance, and Loda's sven made some questionable item choice. He went for Linkens first, folowed by Armlet-Mask of Madness late game. At first it looks like a weird first item choice, but if we look carefully into the whole strategy, it is actually a smart choice of item. A Repelled Sven will be invulnerable to every spells except Purge. Hence only Purge works on Repelled heroes, and this is blocked by Linkens. Really smart. So the only way to counter this is by using a second Diffusal user, and in this case, Diffusal Blade on Spectre.
MYM gains total map control 50 minutes in, and proceed to win the game. GG. One more win, and the cash prize is theirs.


match 2: Sk. Gaming vs MeetYourMakers

Bans (SK First): luna.gif | visa.gif | merc.gif | broo.gif | skee.gif | dkni.gif | lool.gif | chen.gif
Picks (SK First): warl.gif | puck.gif levi.gif | naix.gif tink.gif | beas.gif qopa.gif | potm.gif nwea.gif | sfie.gif

SK, Sentinel
[warlock] SK.Hailo (Top)
[weaver] SK.Akke (Top)
[tinker] SK.Loda (Middle)
[naix] SK.KwoM (Bottom)
[mirana] SK.Tompa (Bottom)

MYM, Scourge
[qop] MYM|Maelk (Top)
[beastmaster] MYM|PusHer (Jungle)
[nevermore] MYM|H4nn1- (Middle)
[puck] MYM|Fear (Bottom)
[tidehunter] MYM|MaNia- (Bottom)


Game 2 is just a pubstomp, SK got rolled by MYM. 20 minutes in, MYM leads the kill score 10-0. The match does not even last 40 minutes. Weaver did fine, managing to farm a quick radiance but their team coordination seems too much off. IMO Loda's tinker played poorly, I mean he does not ultilize Tinker's rearm ability to its fullest when he push lanes. Constantly getting ganked and only get his BoT at 30th minute. But overall it seems like the whole SK lacks the motivation in this match, as their coordination often off. SK might want to try playing Asian-style Tinker (BoT/BKB abuse push strat) but MYM total domination halted their strategy. MYM won.

With this, MeetYourMakers won the very first season of MYM Prime Defending League, taking away $2000 cash prize money. Well played on their side throughout this tournament, I don't know what would be the outcome of this tournament if Mousesports manage to reach the playoff. GGWP.

Tournament outcome:
  1. th_wo.png Meet Your Makers - $2,000
  2. th_se.png SK Gaming - $1,000
  3. th_fr.png Serious Gaming - $500