
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Magna Carta 2's DLC...NOT!

So I'm currently atDisc 2 of Magna Carta 2. The game's surprisingly pretty linear and despite not following any walkthrough, I was still able to keep track with all sidequests (with reference to Although, I'm here to rant about something else...

It has been proven that it is impossible to max a character's skill tree by default levelling (plus 1 or 2 Seekers Kamond+Pendant of Skill), so the only possible way to do this is by purchasing the ultimate weapon via DLC (which grant a MASSIVE 18 Kamond slots, allowing up to 18x30%+50% = 590% Skill Points bonus upon leveling up). Seeker Kamond, however is a massively overpriced item which is only available on the 2nd visit to Cota Mare, costing 40,000 SID each. which means, to maximise Skill Point acquisition, I need to farm 17 Seekers (since I already has one obtained from previous quest), which is roughly 680,000 SID... But fear not, for I had endure 6 hours of rigorous money grinding (before going to Ruhalt Basin) and was finally able to accumulate the necessary amount of money. Then I went to, buy 1000 Microsoft Points and spend 400 on the DLC which contains the weapons and 3 extra scenes... BUT

when I load the game, there's no sign that I've unlocked the scene, or weapons in my inventory. I was like..what the fawk has happened??? So after a few lurking, although I have yet to find a concrete proof, I come to conclude that the ASIA version of Magna Carta 2 has NO DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT aka DLC. 400 MS Points that I spent had gone to waste, unless Microsoft can do something about it..

No DLC in Asia version has left me in despair! My money grinding has gone to nothing, because even though I can (and has already) buy 17 Seekers, there is no weapon that can hold that much kamond except the DLC weapons D :
oh well, for now I can only hope that near the future the dlc will become available on asia version -.-

so my advise to people playing asia version of MC2: don't aim for dlc contents or maxing both Skill Trees, at the moment this is just impossile.

EDIT: SOLUTIONS FOUND, check this post

p/s: apparently some people had trouble farming that much Sid to buy Seekers. I personally haven't found any better way than my method, that is by going through the Leti Cave around Chieftain Hill over and over again. Control Zephie in the process to get as many HP lvl3 kamond as possible (and Attack level 3 from the Beast around the save point). This method allows me to accumulate enough money for 17 seekers after grinding for about 5-6 hours. Enough to max one DLC weapons with Seekers.


Rid said...

This is why i still havent bought magna carta 2~
still waiting for the dlc~

seraph said...

I'll replay the game when the dlc is out. For the time being, I'll just focusing on the quests and a bit of Pendant Skill/Seeker switching since at the moment I have accumulate over 400 SP to complete one Skill Tree, reset and do the other Skill Tree halfway.