
Friday, September 03, 2010

RD's replay of September - the epic clash of Giants

Quite early for this month's replay, but since someone suggested me to cover this game, I guess I might as well do it now.

Asian DotA Championship IV: Round 2
Maps/version: Dota-allstars 6.68c, version 1.24e
GameMode: -cm
Length: 60:36 minutes

replay download: [gosugamers]


The merge of Nirvana+Kingsurf, which essentially saw 2 of the best dota player in Malaysia - Yamateh and Mushi combining force to take on arguably one of the best dota team in the world, LGD in Asian Dota Championship. Granted both team are currently rather unstable (2009 retiring and Sharingan return for LGD, while rumors lingering about Yamateh's imminent retirement for Kingsurf), they actually managed to put quite a spectacular show in this game.

I actually don't know how to express my feeling toward this game. It was certainly a highly recommended game to watch. Yamateh is back with his sick Shadow Fiend, while Mushi with Lion also performed spectacularly. On LGD, ZS-"rightclick"-MJ's Drow is getting his usual farm, while Sharingan's Enigma poses threat all day to KS. LGD had the advantage in tower, and they even managed to get mid and top raxes. But when it come to team clashes, Kingsurf showed their ruthless determination to defend the base, repelling almost every single of LGD's attempt, partly thanks to VS's swap every time Enigma blink in and ulti.

Despite the kill advantage, KS was forced to camp to defend their base, and when the time arise, it was then the mistake kicks in, which arguably decides the outcome of the game. As KS tried to push mid, VS went to swap ZSMJ's drow but ZSMJ managed to escape with BKB. Now that VS's swap in cooldown (and hence can't cancel Enigma's ulti), Enigma blink in and ulti, catching FOUR KS's heroes, killing them all and ultimately ended the game.

Overall, a really awesome game to watch, and a heartbreaking outcome for Kingsurf fan. KS looks like they could make a comeback in this game but a single mistake in team battle ended their abition. Despite that, LGD actually are quite comfortable throughout the game although they're behind in hero kill. In the end, as this round is played in 2 games, botht eam got a draw as KS won the first game earlier.

Replay rating: ********* (9/10)


Anonymous said...

nice one..hehe tapi aku maksud kan suh cover the 1st game, bkn 2nd,lol. tp pape pon, match ni mmg epic abes. cume frust ngn outcome die je..=((

mushi n ymt FTW!!! XDDDD

seraph said...

lol aku ingat ko refer to the 2nd game. First game tu macam x de benda menarik to talk about, sebab tu aku cover game ni, haha. LGD mcm outpicked (no late game hero), pastu teamfight kena own teruk sbb storm/puck.

Tapi best la sebab ks menang, haha