
Wednesday, June 09, 2010


warning: random rants

The last 2 weeks were rather depressing for me because of multiple reasons. First, my LR cloning transformation for my RNAi experiment wasn't working well, getting no colonies in my first attempt while the 2nd attempt resulting in unconvincing plasmid being transformed into the E.Coli. I am doing my FIFTH attempt at the moment, and hopefully I get the right construct this time (my fourth attempt had some positive results). Man, cloning really sucks when you didn't get the right thing (ーー;)
The second cause is the bus. Yes, the Adelaide Metro bus here is a pain in the butt when it comes to non Go-zone or weekend/public holiday. Last Saturday I had to go to the lab in order to prepare some stuff for plasmid mini-prep, but it took me 2 hours alone just to get bus to the campus, and 3 hours to get bus back home, seriously wtf? I swear I won't go to the campus on public holiday/weekend anymore, at least not by public transport -_-

Oh well, at least things aren't as bad as I thought it would turned out. Need to finish this cloning ASAP before I can proceed with the actual hairy root Medicago transformation. Then there's also Honours essay, seminar and thesis that I need to complete before the end of the year _| ̄|○